Having an online presence for businesses is no longer an option; it is more of a requirement these days. Social media is used by businesses of all sizes to increase their online presence, get followers, and communicate with their target consumers. With this, it is safe to assume that you will no longer find any business these days that are not on social media.

However, whether you’re just getting started or a seasoned veteran, there’s always room for growth. So, here are 4 easy reminders to help you boost your social media game and market your brand successfully.

How Do Social Media Algorithms Work?

How Do Social Media Algorithms Work?

As our world becomes more interconnected online, social media platforms only continue to grow in importance. You might not be aware of it but the materials you see on your screen every time you scroll up are selected by social media platforms, whether we are looking at photos on Instagram, tweeting our opinions, or watching videos on TikTok.

Have you ever wondered how these sites always seem to know just what you need to see? The secret to their success is in the complexity of the algorithms that run them. In this article, we will delve into the role of algorithms in social media.

What are Social Media Algorithms?

In essence, algorithms are used by social media platforms to choose the material that appears in users’ feeds. They sift through mountains of information to tailor and improve what you see online. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and the rest of the top social media sites each have their own algorithms for displaying content to users.

Facebook and Instagram

Facebook and Instagram’s algorithms take into account a wide range of criteria but it also learns from your prior actions in response to postings to determine your preferences based on things like how often you connect with certain accounts and the topics that most interest you.

Aside from that, these sites consider interaction rates as a factor. This means posts with more likes, comments, and shares are most likely going to appear on your news feed as well. Also, newer postings are given more weight than older ones.

Videos and images all get varying rankings depending on how a user wants to consume them, but your feed will prioritize content from people or pages that you have interacted with and established relationships with the most.


Relevant tweets to your interests are prioritized by Twitter’s timeline algorithm. Twitter recently adopted a new way of browsing tweets by dividing them into “For You” and “Following” sections. You can see tweets from accounts you follow in the “Following” section. On the other hand, the “For You” section shows tweets from other accounts that have similar content to the ones you follow. This section favors recent tweets, but it also sprinkles in “in case you missed it” material to keep you up-to-date in the event that you missed anything. Above all these, tweets that have been liked, retweeted, and commented on are prioritized on your timeline.

Just like Facebook, other tweets that you see on your Twitter’s interest prediction are based on your behavior, namely the accounts you follow and interact with.


Before Twitter, TikTok was the first one to make use of the “For You” tab. Similarly, it selects videos it thinks you’ll like based on your previous activity. It depends on a number of different things like how you engage with its material, such as the videos you like, share, and comment on. Captions, hashtags, and the videos’ background music also help classify and suggest videos.

TikTok’s algorithm may also take into consideration the sort of device you’re using and the preferences you’ve established in your account settings.

How Algorithms on Social Media Affect Us

These social media algorithms rely heavily on machine learning. These algorithms gather information from users and themselves in order to improve over time. They want to tailor your experience to your specific interests by identifying the materials most likely to pique your curiosity.

While they have good intentions of improving the user experience, they also come with certain drawbacks. They have the ability to foster the formation of “echo chambers” in which users only encounter information that confirms their own assumptions, this then becomes the cause of the proliferation of fake news. Algorithms may also encourage sensationalism and clickbait because of the pressure they put on content authors to increase their views and shares.


Social media algorithms are the unseen forces at work behind our daily digital lives. They’re helpful for finding new things to like, but there are issues with filter bubbles and fake news that need to be addressed. As they continue to adapt to the ever-changing social media landscape, social media companies must find a middle ground between user customization and ethical content sharing in their algorithms.

Need help in navigating these social media algorithms? Want to increase your visibility online by taking into consideration how these algorithms work? Latte Marketing has social media marketing services to help your company dominate the social media landscape.

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